California Life with Heather Dawson episode 558


Airing this week on a special Thanksgiving Episode of California Life with Heather Dawson, A new holiday survey reveals some surprising secrets surrounding the season.

Plus The holiday shopping is already underway, watch tis weeks episode to see the Top Tech picks of the season that are sure to be hits for everyone on your list including laptops, trending toys, and more!  

STUDIES SHOW 20% OF FAMILIES WILL HOST A  TRADITIONAL THANKSGIVING AND A FRIENDSGIVING. Food Network Star Ted Allen is Encouraging families to Host “Friendsgiving” to help end childhood hunger 

Plus a few Healthy, Dairy Free holiday recipes your friends and family will love!

Then take A trip to the Best city in the World according to Travel + Leisure magazine San Miguel de Allende. San Miguel de Allende is the Heart of Mexico.

And THE TOP HOLIDAY MOVIES OF THE SEASON PLUS All this and more airing on our special Thanksgiving Day Episode of California Life with Heather Dawson
