A Screening for the Number One Cancer Killer in the US can find early-stage Lung Cancer.


Every five minutes in the United States, a woman is diagnosed with lung cancer. The disease is also the number one cancer killer in the U.S. An awareness campaign called, Lung Force, hopes to change that statistic.

Lung Force unites women and their loved ones across the country to stand together against lung cancer and for lung health. You can sign up to join Team Turquoise to fight for better innovations in medical research, better treatments and earlier detection of lung cancer by signing up here. Or donate to beat lung cancer here.

Dr. Andrea McKee, the advisory board member of American Lung Association, says more than 25,000 lives can be saved if people get to the high-risk population and ask candidates to speak with their doctors about the early detection of lung cancer through lung screening.

There is now a reliable screening tool for lung cancer like colon and breast cancer. The ten-second test is a simple CAT scan while you hold your breath with no changing or IV involved. The test finds early-stage lung cancer about 85% of the time.

Visit www.SavedByTheScan.org where you can take a quiz to learn if you’re a candidate for screening.
