California Life Takes You Underground to one of the “Coolest” Places in Fresno


100_1700-227x315Fresno is not a place most people would consider “cool.” Temperatures often soar well above 100 degrees during the summer months.

But there’s at least one place in Fresno that is very cool ~ the Forestiere Underground Gardens100_3394-348x467


In fact, has listed the Gardens as one of “10 of the World’s Coolest Underground Wonders.”



Baldassare Forestiere, a Sicilian immigrant who came to America in 1901, created the Forestiere Underground Gardens.


He modeled his subterranean complex of patios, grottos, and garden courts after the ancient catacombs. He even planted various fruit trees underground!

The Forestiere Underground Gardens have been designated a California State Landmark and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

To learn much more, and get a peek inside, check out our story below!
