Imagine Basking in a Tropical Breeze While You Gaze Out Over Your Own Teak Hardwoods Forest – in a Caribbean Paradise You Now Call Your Second Home! Here’s How…


I want you to do yourself a favor and circle the date TUESDAY, MARCH 16 on your calendar.

But, I don’t want you to circle it in red…

I want you to circle it in GREEN!

Because on that date, three of my very favorite people – Alyssa Esquivel (that’s right – OSC’s Expat Mom)… Rachel Jensen (from OSC’s Roving With Rachel) and my friend Katie Ejikeme (don’t worry, she’ll soon have her own OSC vlog as well!) —

Are going to host for you a FREE exciting, rewarding – and I will guarantee you, totally enjoyable — Generational Wealth Webinar revealing how YOU could soon:

  • Take full possession of your very own Teak Hardwood forest in either Nicaragua or Panama – with an incredible return on your investment that is so lucrative, it will provide you and your children generational wealth for decades to come!
  • Get a valuable second residency in either country – that could provide you and your loved ones with a safe and secure escape route as soaring inflation, skyrocketing taxes, and chaos in the streets continue to rip America apart!
  • Protect your assets – and those of your family – in the exact same way as the ultra-wealthy who have learned how to stash their cash offshore… and often end up paying less real taxes than you!

I call this the “Three P Webinar” – because by the time it’s over, you are going to know exactly how you can enjoy an incredible amount of PROSPERITY, PROPERTY, and PEACE in your life…

That others who miss out on this exclusive opportunity can’t even begin to imagine!

So, I urge you, click HERE right now and guarantee your place at the Offshore Club Members Only table for the Generational Wealth Webinar

And set yourself and your family up for the “Good Life at a Great Price” for generations to come!
