Radiesse: The Newest, Safest Way to Turn Back the Years


Looking for a safe, long-lasting alternative to natural collagen? Radiesse might just be the answer that you’re searching for.

As we all know, getting old is not always very fun. A lot of changes happen in your body and, quite frankly, not many of them are good. This is why it comes as no surprise that getting rid of sagging skin and wrinkles is often a common patient request.

Doctor Richard Foxx of The Medical and Skin Spa in Indian Wells uses one of the newest treatments to provide smooth skin. Radiesse was first introduced bout seven years ago and has proven to be a safe and effective alternative for those patients wishing to preempt plastic surgery and avoid the potential side effects of Bovine and solid impact materials.

Radiesse is injected into the wrinkle, through a tiny needle, and placed just under your skin. Unlike other fillers, Radiesse is not absorbed by your system. Therefore, there’s no need to over-fill the wrinkle. The results are immediate and long lasting.
