Dinosaurs in Claremont? The museum that’ll make you feel like you’re in “Jurassic World”!


imageWith Jurassic World now out on DVD and Blu-ray, you may have dinosaurs on the brain. But you don’t have to go all the way to the American Museum of Natural History to see real dinosaur fossils.

The Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology in Claremont was founded in 1936, and features two exhibition floors ~ the Hall of Life and the Hall of Footprints. In the Hall of Life, you’ll find dinosaur skulls and skeletons and dinosaur eggs. And in the Hall of Footprints, the largest, most diverse collection of animal footprints on display in North America, you can see dinosaur footprints.

The Alf Museum is the only paleontology museum in the nation that is located on a high school campus (The Webb Schools).

To learn much more about the museum, be sure to watch our story below, airing statewide this week on California Life!
