Do You Or Someone You Know Have Multiple Sclerosis? Fight The Disease in Delicious Ways With These Tips


Californian’s with Multiple Sclerosis, commonly known as MS, have a resource called to help them navigate through their disease.

“ is a platform that entails having a really user-friendly resource that brings together resources on a national and local level and support services that can help people living with multiple sclerosis, and their caregivers, kind of navigate the unpredictability of MS on a daily basis,” Carrie Sammarco of the NYU Langone Medical Center explained.

And one California woman has a unique way of dealing with her MS by taking on her diagnosis in a most delicious of ways.

“So I decided what I would do was to try and make a vow that every single Sunday throughout the year I was going to cook a big Italian feast and invite as many people, friends and family and neighbors as I could around my table,” Ronda Giangreco shared.

For more on this inspiring story along with information, resources and guidance go to or watch the full segment below.
