A Cup A Day: Managing Diabetes One Beverage at a Time


Check out Ernest’s story and consider donating to his up-and-coming company, “A Cup A Day”, to see how it is changing the beverage game for diabetics.


When diagnosed with diabetes in 2012, Ernest Quansah noticed that there were no beverages formulated just for diabetics. This inspired him to create “A Cup A Day”, a beverage company that specializes in drinks for those who are pre-diabetic as well as those who already have diabetes.

Unfortunately, when creating a company, it is not always easy to get initial funding. This is why Ernest has created a GoFundMe fundraiser to raise money for this up-and-coming company.

The drink in mind will help those with diabetes normalize their blood sugar levels in a natural way and also will optimize their health. Check out Ernest’s GoFundMe below and consider donating to a rising company that is changing the game for diabetics!

For more information, visit www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-start-up-diabetic-beverage-company
