August is Wellness Month

How Wellness Month is Making the Road to Self-Care Easy


August is National Wellness Month #wellnessmonth

August is Wellness Month

Our world is crazy busy and it’s easy to feel swept up in the stress of everyday life. The buzzword self-care is everywhere, but it’s hard to know where to start. Give yourself a self-care boot camp this August. Discover curated local wellness experiences you’ve got to try—from cryotherapy, CBD massage, flying trapeze class and more because Wellness Month is rooted in the belief that small, daily acts of self-care can lead to a lifetime of wellness.

I choose wellness pledge
I choose wellness pledge

What exactly is Wellness Month? 
National Wellness Month empowers you to fall in love with self-care (and yourself in the process!) through a month-long nationwide celebration. Wellness Month is now in its second year, and was founded by Lisa Michaelis; the creative, entrepreneur behind B2B spa trade show Live Love Spa. Through this initiative, Lisa wanted to connect consumers to amazing spa and wellness experiences and products at accessible prices. (think Restaurant Week for the Spa & Wellness industry.) 

The first year was successful with over 300+ spas participating. This year is going to be one for the books! Companies like L.A Fitness offering not one but two free weeks, Vita Liberata with 30% off your complete online purchase, Langham Hotel Spasoffering 30% off the spa’s Sacred Nature Ritual massage, The Spa at The Four Seasons at Surf Cluboffering 30% summer treatments and over 200+ other wellness locations will be offering incredible deals up to 30- 50% off for you to #TreatYoSelf over the 31 days.  


Step 1 – Take the “I Choose Wellness” Pledge. Some of your favorite influencers already have by writing out “I Choose Wellness”, snapping a photo, and posting to social media.

Check out #wellfie for Insta worthy inspiration on how to make your pledge pop.

Step 2: Follow the Wellness month calendar for daily challenges download the 31 day calendar here! 

Pro Tip: The Wellness Month box gives you $300worth of product for only $99! The box contains discounts for wellness services, beauty and skincare products, and many more goodies to make the most of your August! Show us how you do wellness and hashtag #wellfie.

Step 3: Grab a bestie or five, get out, and experience all the wonderful spa & wellness offers nearest you at 30% – 50% off for the month of August. Take advantage of rare online product offers on! Are you ready for Wellness Month?
