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What you need to know about multiple myeloma with Dr. James R. Berenson

According to the American Cancer Society, this year alone, more than 30,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that originates in the bone marrow, and more than 12,000 people will die from the disease.

As science advances, cancer experts are exploring potential ways to work directly with the body’s immune system, also known as Immuno-Oncology, to help fight multiple myeloma.

Joining us this week on California Life, we welcome hematologist/oncologist, Dr. Berenson with more about multiple myeloma, treatment options and recent research.

For years, multiple myeloma has been a difficult disease to treat – particularly in later stages, and the need for continued research remains. Experts at the forefront of cancer research are exploring potential ways to work directly with patients’ immune systems to fight multiple myeloma.

Dr. James Berenson has specialized in the treatment of multiple myeloma patients and conducted clinical and laboratory research related to the disease for more than 30 years. So much so that he now has a private practice in West Hollywood, CA that specializes in multiple myeloma and related diseases.

Join us as we talk with Dr. Berenson about what multiple myeloma is, the latest research surrounding the illness and the outcomes for the disease by watching the full segment below.
