Witness an Amazing Effort being made to Keep California Beautiful.


California Life’s Brent Weber reported that there is a fantastic effort being made to keep California beaches beautiful, and it starts with our kids.

Brent Weber reports that today’s teenagers are missing the message when it comes to keeping America beautiful. Marlene Mariana, Executive Director of “Keep California Beautiful,” says children somehow have obtained the idea that someone is always going to be there to pick up after them.

The numbers are staggering when it comes to cigarette butts alone–3 trillion butts were tossed around the world last year. More than 200,020 were picked up in one day alone in California.

The impact of litter has long term effects and will cost kids and future taxpayers in many ways.

The “Keep California Beautiful” program sponsors over 900 cleanup events by volunteers all over the state. Get yourself, your family, and kids involved in this movement to keep our world beautiful now and for the future!

For more information on how you can help keep California clean, check out www.KeepCaliforniaBeautiful.com.
