3 Celebrities Who Choose Not To Drink Alcohol


Is alcohol sabotaging your wellness goals? Dr. George Koob shares his expertise on the signs, resources and treatment options for an Alcohol Use Disorder.

We all know that alcohol brings negative side effects to our health. But how much is it too much? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. According to a national survey, in the United States, 14.6 million adults ages 18 and older have an Alcohol Use Disorder.

How can we solve this health problem? More education and more motivation, says George Koob, Ph.D., and Director of the NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. In this week’s episode, Dr. Koob shares his expertise on how motivation and alcohol affect the human brain.

If your New Year’s Resolution is losing steam, Koob suggests focusing on celebrating the many health and financial benefits that accompany eliminating alcohol from your daily life.  If you are looking for the best resource on treatment options, he recommends visiting https://alcoholtreatment.niaaa.nih.gov/.

Full Interview with Dr. Koob:

There are also plenty of beauty benefits to going alcohol-free. Many of our favorite celebrities agree. In an interview with InStyle Magazine, Jennifer Lopez touted the skincare benefits of abstaining from alcohol. According to Lopez, “I think that ruins your skin. Of course, during celebratory toasts, everybody’s like, ‘You can’t toast with water!’ So I’ll toast with alcohol and just take a sip.”

Bradley Cooper tops Harper’s Bazzar’s list of 52 Celebrities Who Don’t Drink Alcohol. The list goes on to include:

Jennifer Lopez

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Blake Lively

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Christina Ricci

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Curious how many “drinks” are actually in your bottle of wine? Learn more at RethinkingDrinking.

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