Academy Award Winning Pixar Film Coco Comes to Life at Disney California Adventure Park’s Plaza de la Familia


Everyday is a vibrant celebration inside Disney California Adventure Park’s Plaza de la Familia thanks to the creative work of art directors such as Susana Tubert, who

stops by to give us a behind-the-scenes look at the magical world of Coco (2017).

The celebration of Disney Pixar’s Academy Award winning film Coco also invites guests to partake in savoring the everlasting bonds of family. It was important to Tubert that the Plaza de la Familia would bring families and loved ones closer together.

It is an all-around fun time for all ages, which is why there is a World of Color Exhibit, Tree of Life and Memory Wall. “All of us celebrate family in different ways,” according to Susana Tubert and the Plaza de la Familia is designed to help everyone find joy in family in these different activities.

There is even an Instagram wall for some colorful photo opportunities! 

The most exciting news with the grand opening of the Plaza de la Familia is Disney’s official introduction to the beloved Pixar character Miguel. The inspiring hero of Disney Pixar’s Coco takes part in the live theatrical performances in the park to tell guests about his journey as a musician in the Land of the Living to the Land of the Dead.

The authentic Mexican cuisine is possibly some of the best in the park, especially when it is enjoyed with classic Mariachi musical performances around the park.

It is a proud achievement for Disney to have created such an authentic and joyful celebration attraction for guests.

Be sure to check out the segment below for more!


