
California is the largest and most difficult to count state in the nation and is very vulnerable to an undercount of its hard-to-count (HTC) communities

On April 1st, the U.S. will commemorate National Census Day—a reminder to all Americans to complete their 2020 Census form. The California Complete Count campaign—an unprecedented $187 millioncampaign to secure a complete count of all 40 million Californians—will have high-ranking state and campaign officials available to speak about this once-a-decade civic engagement effort and why it is critically important that everyone fill out their Census form.

California is the largest and most difficult to count state in the nation and is very vulnerable to an undercount because of its large population of immigrants and other hard-to-count () communities, including non-native English speakers, veterans, people with disabilities, people facing homelessness, and renters.

The Census officially began in mid-March, and already more than 20% of Californians have completed their Census forms online and by phone. We still have a long way to go to make sure everyone completes their form. As we face a statewide shelter-in-place mandate, households are still able to complete their forms—fulfilling a crucial civic duty that brings federal funding to local community programs and services and determines our representation in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento.

About the 2020 Census:

  • The Census is comprised of 9 simple and confidential questions.  Questions include your name, address, age, gender, race and ethnicity.
  • The Census counts everyone living in the United States, regardless of their background or immigration status. The Census won’t ask about anybody’s citizenship status.
  • The Census determines how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed, and it means real dollars for vital services in your neighborhood.
  • Completing your Census form helps ensure California receives funding for more health care, nutrition and affordable housing programs, parks, infrastructure, and more that support your local community.
  • For every person left uncounted, California could lose up to $1,000 per person each year for the next ten years.
  • Fair Representation – the Census determines how many seats each state receives in the House of Representatives. California needs fair representation in Congress to advocate for the interests of our communities at the federal level.
  • Fair Boundaries – State and local government officials redraw the boundaries of Congressional districts, state legislative districts, and other local districts to account for population shifts.

Reaching Hard-to-Count (HTC) communities: There are 11 million Californians considered hard to count—that’s more than 25% of the entire state’s population. This is why the California Complete Count campaign is working hard to ensure all HTCs are reached and provided the support they need to complete the Census.

How to Fill Out Your 2020 Census

The 2020 Census is the first time where people nationwide will have the option to submit their responses online. The Census can also be completed by phone by calling 844-330-2020.  The U.S. Census Bureau has established in-language phone lines for individuals who may have questions or need assistance completing their forms.  14 million Californians have already completed their Census—you can too, so call or visit the website today!

On April 1, 2020, several top California leaders including will be available to discuss the efforts underway to support an accurate count of people living in California. They will discuss the challenges and methods that are in place to overcome them, along with the important consequences of making sure every person is counted.
