California Life HD Episode 587


Airing this week on California Life with Heather Dawson. Wes Parker takes us to the landmark Griffith Observatory that’s served as a set for Hollywood’s biggest stars and not just celebrities.

Plus we make you feel like a star as we take you to beautiful Beverly Hills. By age 19 our guest already launched three startups. Milan Kordestani is with Kaori Takee talking about his latest project, Dormzi.

Summer is here, and the seasons transition. It’s important to keep in mind that our skin can also experience uncomfortable changes, like dryness. We have tips to help keep your skin moisturized and looking its bes without breaking the bank.

We look at alternative power sources that can help your family during a disaster, with Generac.

All this and more airing on California Life with Heather Dawson or watch online
