Friendsgiving with Food Network Star Ted Allen Encourages Americans to Host a Friendsgiving to Help End Childhood Hunger


Childhood hunger is an invisible epidemic that effects 1 in 6 kids in America. No child should go without food. Food Network Star Ted Allen (Chopped, Top Chef, Food Detectives) is fighting alongside No Kid Hungry to spread the word this holiday season.

The campaign hopes to raise awareness through Friendsgiving, which encourages families and singles to invite friends into their homes for Thanksgiving with the intention of raising funds to combat childhood hunger.

Friendsgiving focuses on giving back to those around us who are less fortunate. It is a small act that can create a huge difference. To host a Friendsgiving in support of No Kid Hungry you can sign-up here! Or, email No Kid Hungry at

Nutritious food is vital for child development. In order for children to attain organ development and function, a strong immune system and cognitive growth they need food. Improving a child’s nutrition even has an impact on social and economic status. Equipping children with the tools for a better tomorrow depends upon their nutrition today.

In the season of giving, No Kid Hungry makes it easier than ever to donate. For every $1 dollar earned, ten meals are provided to a single child. Make the most of this holiday season and donate to fight childhood hunger at the No Kid Hungry donation page.

Check out the segment below to see what Ted Allen has to say about No Kid Hungry‘s campaign to raise awareness and funds to end childhood hunger!

