Image Spa MD Is Now Open Just In Time to Achieve The Perfect Summer Glow


During the past few months of uncertainty and change, Image Spa MD has been looking forward to the day where they could welcome back guests.

We are excited to announce they are now open and operating in compliance with governmental regulations and additional guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

They want you to know that the health of their patients and staff is their highest priority. By abiding all governmental regulations and CDC guidelines, they are showing their dedication to ensure everybody’s safety.

Masks Required

All staff, patients, and visitors are required to wear masks in order to enter the office. Staff members will wear additional face shields when servicing clients.

Staff and Patient Screening

If you are experiencing or been exposed to anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms in the past 14 days, we kindly ask that you reschedule your appointment.

Social Distancing

Image Spa MD will practice physical distancing to the maximum extent possible. To do so, they are ensuring that people are physically separated by at least 6 feet as much as possible.

Limiting Trafficking

To ensure that patients are not coming into close contact with one another, they will utilize a modified schedule to avoid high volume or capacity.

Routine Disinfecting

Image Spa MD locations have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to reopening and will continue to be deep cleaned after closing everyday.
