San Francisco’s Palace Hotel, Hollywood’s Golden Era and Healthy Eating with Robeks


What’s coming up next on California Life HD!


Airing this week on California Life with Heather Dawson – we head to San Francisco’s Palace Hotel, which was built in 1875 and is reportedly the largest, most luxurious and most expensive hotel in the world. The Palace Hotel reopened in 1909 after it was destroyed in the 1906 earth quake. Monique Soltani takes us inside the timeless hotel and shows us how the hotel is celebrating one hundred years of success!

Plus – a warning to parents and children – a series of college outbreaks serve as a reminder to get vaccinated against meningococcal disease. Famous photographer Anne Geddes, best known for her photos of babies, is raising awareness about this life-threatening disease. She encourages parents to really think about the vaccine.

And a look back at Hollywood’s Golden Era in Palm Springs with Wes Parker.

Plus – alright foodies – we’re always looking for new options to eat a healthy diet so we’re exploring the latest stores at Robeks.

All this airing statewide on California Life HD!
