“Disneyland of thrift stores” celebrates anniversary


A store in Southern California is putting a new twist on a favorite shopping concept for bargain hunters. 

From the outside, the Deseret Industries store in Fontana looks like a many mid-range department stores. But Deseret Industries is actually a huge thrift store teeming with high- quality second-hand furniture, household goods, clothing and much more.

One customer even called it the “Disneyland of thrift stores.”

While there are many bargains and hidden treasures to be found, Deseret Industries is also a place where lives are transformed through valuable work experience and job training for those struggling to find a career.

The Fontana store is marking its one-year anniversary this week with a big celebration. Between now and June 22nd, anyone who donates items to the store will receive ten percent off their next purchase.

You’ll also get the satisfaction of knowing that your donation is helping to improve the community.

To learn more about Deseret Industries, check out our story below, airing statewide this week on California Life.
