How technology can drastically improve education


In today’s day and age, everyone is looking for a competitive edge and schools are no exception. That’s why a growing number of teachers are looking to technology to improve the learning experience.

For many of us, learning math and science was a complicated and difficult journey comprised of staring at a blackboard with all sorts of complicated equations.

But now, some students in Southern California are using innovative new devices like the TI Navigator for an interactive experience in the classroom.

The TI Navigator from Texas Instruments and its comprised of hand held calculator-like devices for students that are connected to the teacher a wireless network. That creates a unique interactive experience for students trying to tackle tough subjects like algebra and geometry.

To learn more about the innovative TI Navigator, go to to check out the latest in handheld classroom technology. It may be the edge your school has been looking for.

To learn more, watch the full segment below or see it air nationwide on California Life with Heather Dawson.
