Stay home, stay healthy – Let us take you on a trip to Germany


Now is the time to experience and enjoy the very best of Germany. While travel is on hold, why not indulge yourself with all things German – from the comfort of your own home.

Let us take you on a virtual trip of your favourite towns & cities, those concerts you always promised yourself, the museums and attractions you always had on your wish-list – #DiscoverGermanyFromHome 

Scroll down to where we have put together a list of activities that will get your imagination into gear: from testing your knowledge to tasting the results of our easy to follow German recipes. For a quieter minute, you can also sit back while listening to our music and lose yourself in the sounds of Beethoven and Co. Who says you can’t “dream now and visit later”? 

While you can´t visit, we are bringing Germany home to you.

Dream Now – Visit Later

