Fast Forward is Fast Tracking Careers


It has been 20 years and counting that the Fast Forward newspaper, run by kids and for kids, has been launching students into extraordinary college and career paths.

Winifred McLeod decided to create the paper alongside her daughter who was interested in journalism at a young age. She recalls her eleven year old daughter Kendra McLeod asking, “Why can’t kids have their own magazine?” As a hardworking and passionate mother, McLeod responded by creating Fast Forward for children who are interested in the field of journalism.

The skills that the Fast Forward reporters and writers learn by interviewing major media personalities and celebrities such as Anne Hathaway, Kobe Bryant and Harrison Ford are vital to their success. Fast Forward alum Scotty Jacobs attributes his personal and professional growth to the newspaper. He found that the necessary skills to be a journalist also apply to his life as a young adult. He is grateful for learning how to think quickly, and keep listeners engaged.

Impressive alumni also includes a Harvard Graduate Student and an Apple App Developer. Both were hardworking kids who were given the perfect platform to expand their abilities and pursue their passions accordingly. The paper is responsible for many success stories because it is an organization that offers kids the chance to explore their abilities and expand their dreams.

Fast Forward says YES to budding journalists in the Bay Area, leaving them to believe in their dreams and shoot for the stars. Check out the segment below to see how Fast Forward has offered young journalists the chance to excel!
