Women Unaware of Various Birth Control Methods Available


A new survey shows many women are unaware of the various birth control methods available.

Health Care can be confusing even for the well-informed, there are many myths that can get in the way. One of the biggest myths in women’s health is around birth control, women are not aware of how many options they actually have. There are 18 FDA-approved birth control methods and 50 years ago the birth control pill was introduced and the method is right for a lot of women but not everyone. Fortunately, birth control has evolved and there are other options like the IUD which is a long-acting and reversible method.

Women have lots of options and they can find one that’s right for them and that’s affordable. Dr.Grossman says going to your doctor is a good first step, a resource to help cut through the confusion and get a lot of valuable information regarding birth control is medicines360.org
