Communication Tools for Home and Work
Maximize Performance, Optimize Communication in Life, Love, and Work
Communication can be challenging at home and work, but our lives don’t need to be torn by conflict. Instead, we can learn to work through disagreements with loved ones, friends, colleagues, and everyone in our lives by practicing new ways of communicating. That’s where Landmark comes in.
Landmark is a personal and professional growth, training, and development company that’s had more than 2.5 million people all over the world use its programs to cause breakthroughs in their personal lives and their communities. In The Landmark Forum (Landmark’s flagship program), people cause breakthroughs in their performance, communication, relationships, and overall satisfaction in life.
“What most people don’t realize is that the quality of your life is determined only 1% by what happens, and 99% by how you react to what happens,” says David Cunningham, who has led thousands of people in seminars and courses with Landmark around the globe. “How we react is something we can have some control over. It’s all about learning to let go of the ‘stories’ we all tell ourselves that hinder our ability to produce results and nurture relationships.”
Landmark courses support people in addressing topics such as:
* How families can live together without fighting
* Creating a career worthy of your life
* How to stop making people wrong
* Beating burnout
* How to get unstuck at work
* Seeing blind spots hindering performance
* Finding happiness in work/life balance
* How to be unstoppable without sacrificing career or family
* Talking straight and the impact of dishonesty
* Getting along with others while serving in volunteer efforts
* Turning complaints into commitments
* Creating peace in your workplace, relationships, and community
* Listening skills to improve relationships
* Having and raising children at different stages of life
* Making amends and having a fresh start
* Changing perceptions to create love
* How to respond when someone says something hurtful
* Differentiating between what people say and what we have it mean
* Sex and intimacy: What spouses can say to each other to achieve greater intimacy
Creating a Life You Love Through the Power of Language
“There are two kinds of language,” says Landmark communication expert Josselyne Herman-Saccio, “language that describes and language that creates. To create a life you love, it’s most important to understand how we use the latter: language that creates.”
Vocabulary – Critical to Shaping How We View the World
For example, if you hold up two fingers, the vocabulary of “body parts” would show you just those two fingers; the vocabulary of “numbers” would show you the number 2; the vocabulary of “symbols” would show you a peace sign.
Distinguishing – Separating the Facts From Our Interpretation of the Facts
There’s what happened, then there’s our story about what happened.
Know Yourself – Get Clear About What You’re Committed To
Choose an area of your life that’s important to you, identify what you’re committed to in that area, then communicate it clearly to key people in your life who are involved in that area.
Create New Futures – Create New Outcomes and New Relationships
Choose your vocabulary, distinguish facts from your interpretation of them, and get clear on your commitments. Working these tools in concert with one another can create a new reality in areas of your life that have previously been “problem areas.”